Day 12 / May 24 : Do Something Kind For Yourself

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” — The Golden Rule

So here we are at the end of 12 days. Let me begin by saying happy birthday to myself! I was born 50 years ago today in Omaha, Nebraska at approximately 1pm Central Time. So my 51st year on the planet begins a little after 11am in Seattle.

And, hey, guess what. I’m taking the day off work. Shhh….

On this, the last day of the 12 Days of Kindness I encourage you to seriously consider what being kind to yourself means. See if you find a little nugget of truth in the idea that EVERY act of kindness you perform benefits you in some way.

As such, EVERY kind thing you do in your life is an act of kindness for yourself.

And if it’s true, if every act of kindness is actually an act of kindness for yourself, look back at the previous 11 days and see every kind thing you did as a kindness to yourself.

With that in mind, what will you do to complete this theme today?

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